松山しげき× feebee
松山しげき展PART2 特別展
松山しげき× feebee
今年2月に仙台で開催した松山しげきとfeebee による二人展「ubiquitous」を、多くのアートコレクターやアートファンの皆様からの要望に応えて東京湯島のロイドワークスギャラリーで開催致します。
The two person exhibition “ubiquitous”, consisted of the works by Shigeki Matsuyama and feebee, was held in Sendai in February this year. In response to numerous requests from art collectors and fans, the exhibit will also be held at roidworksgallery in Yushima, Tokyo.

feebee は人物の首に喰らいつく獣を描き、人間が受けるストレスや社会からの圧力、人間自身が持つ野生的な内面を表しました。
特別な美術教育は受けてはいませんが、イラストレーターやデザイナー時代の経験を経て今の表現方法に辿り着き、現代アーティストとして国内外で評価を高めている松山しげきとfeebee の二人のアーティストによる待望の特別展です。
松山しげき個展“Portraits III Red room”に引き続きお楽しみ下さい。
Shigeki Matsuyama’s portraits, painted using dazzle camouflage utilized in World War I, represent the present risks of internet anonymity and unreliable information.
In addition, feebee’s works depicting beasts biting at the necks of human figures represent the stress and pressure humans incur through social life, while simultaneously expressing clearly the wild interior humans possess within themselves.
With the value system of pursuing convenience and economic development presented as natural, and due to the proliferation of the internet and the development of social media, the present moment could be called the “ubiquitous society”, where it is possible to communicate with anyone anywhere in the world.
By creating these works, both artists sound an alarm bell regarding the various risks that are brought about as the other side of this convenience and economic development.
Thanks to their unique forms of expression, arrived at by capitalizing on their expertise gained through experience as designers and illustrators, this is a very special exhibition of the world-renowned Shigeki Matsuyama and feebee.
松山しげき× feebee 「ubiquitous」
2022年 5月7日(土)-5月15日(日)
営業時間:12:00-19:00 (最終日は18:00まで)
東京都文京区湯島4-6-12 湯島ハイタウンB棟1F
TEL: 03-3812-4712
Shigeki Matsuyama × feebee Exhibition
7th May 2022 (Saturday) – 15th May, 2022 (Sunday)
(Open everyday during the exhibition)
Opening hours: 12:00 – 19:00 (only close at 18:00 on 1st May, Sunday)
Venue: roidworksgallery
Yushima High Town 1F, 4-6-12 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0034, Japan
TEL: +81 (0)3-3812-4712